Monday, March 06, 2006

A short post to start you week off:

duck sex

In the Office:
Today is catch-up day. I have not been at my desk since last month and had a ton of mail, etc… The plus side is that I get to see who has tossed me under the bus while I have been gone.

I have to get about 5 grants out the door this week add to that meetings up the ass and you get the picture. My loving flower told me she will be working late every night this week but tonight, which sucks, I don’t do well with free time.

Lent Countdown:
7 days so far. No beer, wine or liquor has passed my lips since Feb. 26th. Yesterday, I was weak in the afternoon, feeling homesick for the beach and “Boat-Drinks”. It was that kind of day.

It didn’t help matters that I went to my nephew’s 7th birthday party at one of those hotels with an indoor swimming pool. Think of 40 seven year olds in a pool. It was kid stew, thusly not being a fan of boy urine and chlorine; I stayed out and helped with crowd control. If that was not a test brothers and sisters, I don’t know what was.

More News at the Top of the Hour: