Thursday, September 29, 2005

On No-Love-Thursday and other matters of the Heart:

Thought for the Day:
An angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason.
Publilius Syrus (~100 BC)

Once more into the breach:
Since it’s No-Love-Thursday, and my flower thinks she might now have to work late, the cosmic pull is starting to dictate my behavior (that and the three phone calls and 7 e-mails and in case your asking, yes I was this popular in Jr. High).

There is at this early hour, a 50/50 chance of drinking after work in the company of my merry band of jesters and intellectuals. Fear not good reader, I as the dutiful farmer, still plan to deeply till the fertile soil of the sweet and erotic Mrs. JQP, planting firmly my seed, awaiting the spring and a bountiful harvest (have you ever seen the movie “Boy’s from Brazil”?)


… dig it… I am the Johnny Appleseed of Love-Making. I like that.

On a side note:
She said she can’t wait for me to see her new sex toys:
white trash barbe

JQP’s First Annual Viewers Choice Awards
for “Tattoo of the Year”:
my new girlfriend
(This example is of my last girlfriend and yes I still often think of her, also it’s the work of that Master of the Ink, Dobbs himself)

Thats right, you read it here, today marks the kick off of “Tattoo of the Year” The rules are simple, there are two categories one is yours (as in tattoo’s you have on your body) and second is for “found art” and I will let you define that anyway you want.

Send them to my super secret e-mail address at I will post them and then you the reader get to vote, like Chicago politics, vote early vote often. If you are thinking about entering, please remember if you’re a girl skin sells, if you’re a guy it’s just fucking gross.

This contest will be over when I say it is and most likely the results will be posted on a day when I am busy or hung-over or perhaps both. Come on, what are you chicken?

On Last Night:
I was a good boy, I was smart and I kept the Boy Scout Code. I called Pete the Fire Man and Pastor Bob and told them that I wasn’t feeling well and went home. Once home I cooked a chicken (marinating in JQP’s Secret Capt. Morgan’s & Coffee Hot Pepper Sauce for 24 hours, available at fine retailers near you), took a hit of Nyquil, two pain pills and tripped to the light fantastic. However at about 10 I awoke from a dream about little footed Asian women dancing on my full bladder, thus I found myself craving Chinese food, so off I dashed in my pj’s to a downtown take-out joint.

Now I don’t know about you but I hate going to a Chinese place when they are restocking, there were all these food stuffs of questionable freshness sitting in boxes all over the place, while a chap wearing a MP3 player was singing along to the latest hits of Outer Mongolia, mopping around the boxes and live chickens, with water the color and consistency of putty.

fast food

Questionable health risk yes, but then again I have never once seen anyone clean a wok in a Chinese place, plus having been both a single man and a world traveler, I have a somewhat looser standard when it comes to food prep cleanliness.

Anyway, I got my Dim Sum, dashed home and ate it in front of the TV, throwing the unidentifiable parts to the hounds (the sweet and loving Mrs. JQP was on the road, so the rules of the house change to reflect this new found freedom for all in the kingdom). I happened onto the Discovery Health Channel, friends, this is not something to watch while eating Dim Sum from a tacky Chinese place named "Happy Time Dragon Food and Take Away".

On DHC they we showing some poor woman who started having seizures about two years after visiting Mexico, turns out she ate an undercooked pork burrito, and got worms in her brain, which they said isn’t that big a deal until they die and form abscesses, Bon fucking Appetite. Lesson learned, stick to ESPN 2 or the History Channel.

Home Sweet Home:
I have had a few readers ask about the manor house, I posted a visual representation of it a year or so ago, so I would like to take the time to once again post it so that you the reader can form a mental image of our little castle.
(This was taken during Mrs. JQP’s days as a long haul truck driver, the Bass Boat is parked around back next to my Gold 1976 Tans Am).

Here is a shot of the interior I took this morning, Our home was recently featured on the hit cable show “While you were Out”, however since our neighbors cook meth in their garden shed we were a bit less than enthusiastic about their interior designing skills, I for one don’t care for the peach-fuzz color of paint on the dinning room walls shown here.
My dinning room
(I know it’s a cheap shot, but I liked it)

Today’s Bill:
What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! William Shakespeare, "Hamlet", Act 2 scene 2

Quote of the day:
The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation’s greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable, especially when that questioning is disinterested, for they determine whether we use power or power uses us. John F. Kennedy, Amherst College, Oct 26, 1963

I remain much like the Butterfly Tattoo on the saggy breast of Mother Nature:

JQP esq.