More Random Drive by Thoughts on the Weekend:
On Purple Heart License Plates:
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When asked how I got wounded in the Army, I always say: “I zigged when I should have zagged”.
Sex in the Corn:
There is something fun about having sex in the middle of a long lonely dark country road in the middle of the night with corn fields all around and the stars above, and even better when it rains while your “doing-it”.
On Career Decisions:
I have been thinking this morning, I kind of wish I would of become a carnie, I don’t have skill enough to be in the circus, but I think I could pull off being a carnie, hell there are no skills required, drugs, booze, not bathing, poor dental hygiene, everything I own fitting into three Hefty Cinch Sacks, living on the road and best of all the day old Polish sausages and elephant ears I could eat.
Elvis and Cheap Perfume:
My loving wife told me the other day that you can take the boy out of the trailer park, but he will still be a white trash at heart. You know what, she is right, I love me some white trash girls, cheap jewelry and bad tattoos, big hair and a sluty attitude, damn they really make me turn my head.
Having been to Graceland I can see what giving a white trash boy unlimited money can do, the place is tacky as all hell…
…but who gives a shit, ol’ boy was the king. That’s what I want an Elvis life style. Shag-carpet on the ceiling, hot chic’s in the bed and a Bentley in the garage. On a side note, I really knew a guy in high school whose given name was Chic, yeap good old Chic Goully, no shit.
Family and Fighting:
My family gets arrested, yes my family…. They often call for me to bail them out. My little sister started a fight Saturday night at the fair. Oddly, she got her ass kicked, as did her fiancé. I don’t know what it is about the women in my family but you get about 3 drinks in them and they are going to kick someone’s ass.
My flower and I ran into her and other members of my extended family after the reunion, it took all the powers of persuasion I had to keep my pretty and demure wife from running off with those pied pipers of whoop-ass. I had to remind my love that the last time they all went out, it involved calling me from City-County lock up and statements like “who was that bitch I hit” and :who stole one of my shoes”. She came home with me under protest.
Good Friends:
I have one friend form high school, who I am still best friends with, everyone else has been since then, from the Army, from college our just from wherever. My friends are my family, for a lot of years I really didn’t have a lot of contact with those from my blood line, there was a lot of hurtful bad shit that had to be gotten over on both sides, but now we are all making an effort to be a bit closer.
But, as for my friends, I have noticed that those of us who march to the beat of a different drummer, often make family where we are at. Our friends become our brothers and our sisters, people were would lie, cheat and steal for, and in some cases bleed for. One thing that my friends have in common is a sense of honor, they are all about as different as can be imagined, but on that one note they are all the same, very honorable people.
On 20 year old JQP stories:
It seems everyone had a favorite JQP story and wanted to tell it. Now here is what’s odd they were telling it to me. Hell, buddy I was there and I a lot of cases was hoping that people had forgotten most of them. Damn, I got into a lot of fights when I was a kid, but in the environment I grew-up in it was expected.
Sadly, its something that still rears its ugly head from time to time; I am not one to run away from fisticuffs, and people quickly learn that being a liberal democrat doesn’t mean being a pacifist, I can and will kick your ass if need be. Still its God-Damn silly if you ask me. Mrs. JQP described me as a “to smart for his own good idealist who is a very slightly tamed bad boy”. That’s the best I have heard in a long time, so I will go with that.
On being Pimped:
During the night, a family friend told Mrs. JQP she had always had a crush on me and that her man just wasn’t taking her to where she needed to go. My loving wife said, well hell, why don’t you hook-up with him, I could always use the help. Who has 4 hours to give up, I am busy, and quickies for him don’t exist. I don’t know how a feel about that.
I remain the light house for lost souls:
JQP esq.
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