Sleep Walking and Adoption:
Ok, seven, count them seven, phone conversations today about the subject of adoption. And thanks to the many readers who have e-mailed me saying that I should adopt, and that I would make a great dad, thank you, its all very heart warming, but I must ask, my God, don’t you people read this blog? After re-reading some of my musings, there is no way you would let me baby sit let alone raise a child. I am much more suited to say running a guerilla training camp in Amazon rain forests.
Now, back to the subject, my idea of adopting the 17 ½ year old Korean girl was met with very little enthusiasm by the sweet and kind Mrs. John Q. Public. I blame it on jet-lag, I will bring the subject up again later this evening.
The Day So Far:
Well, fading fast I am, its like I am sleep walking in a dream. A no, no drugs are involved.
Your Quotes for the Weekend:
(Pick one depending on your mood)
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals (1929) ch.
To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. -- Sun Tzu, 300 B.C.
I remain, a rose by anyother name:
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