Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I’ll be serving tea in the German trenches:

bad girls
(This is a photo of the two sweet girls I am sponsoring though the Christian Children’s Network.)

Random Shit for a Random Day:

Only one shopping day left until my birthday.

My wife didn’t like my idea of adopting a 17 ½ year old Russian girl.

I stopped by McDonalds this morning for a biscuit and an iced tea, this is the third time they have given me Hi-C, not iced tea and do I look like a 6yr. old who wants an orange flavored drink first thing in the morning? Damn Yankees, cant speak English.

McDonalds breakfasts suck.

I have started getting virtual gifts for my birthday, you love me you really love me…

My ex is evil; she eats the souls of babies, well now that I think about it that was kind of what attracted me to her in the first place.

I know you don’t know this, but I have a few fetishes.

If I am in your house, I will go through your medicine cabinet.

If you’re a girl your underwear drawer.

I enjoy finding out the secrets everyone keeps.

I have learned that people are most often not what they appear to be.

A lot of people have venereal diseases.

I do not.

However, I have had Dengue Fever and treatment resistant malaria.

My wife has been hanging out with a CNN News crew since Sunday; she is now talking about going back into TV and becoming the next big thing.

I am glad that in my line of work I don’t have to be a therapist, after about 10 mins. I think I would throw people out of my office.

Mrs. JQP asked what a wanted for my birthday and I told her gift certificate to the Oriental Health Spa down by the truck stop.

My request was not well received.

I’ve been down so God-Damn long that it looks like up to me.

You ever notice how many people pick their noses at traffic lights?

Off to the Front: