Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I am the yen and yang of the upper mid-west:

Amish Race
(I love me some NASCAR type shit, dog.)

8 Things that piss me off this morning:
Scooter Liby
Gas prices
A war to make gas cheap?
The mold count in Indiana
The cost of half assed health care.
Mitch Daniels.
Out-side consultants.
The high cost of Copenhagen snuff.

8 Things that made be happy this morning:
Morning PT with my loving wife.
My flowers coming up.
Speaking some places that they requested me, and only me.
Pain pills.
Planning lunch at an Amish place up-state today.
Good friends.
Finishing a good book.
People who vote for hairy arm pitted women.

On today:
I am on the road, up into Amish country, to sell lighting rods and bawdy post cards in Low-German. While I am gone, please take care of the place and quit putting your cigarettes out on the shag carpet. Remember, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

I remain, pissing in the wind: