Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bitter Cold and the Morning News:

Thought for the Day:
Hope is a waking dream.
Aristotle, from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers

On Rolling a Stone up and Hill:
Still working on the “Mother of all Grants” so children don’t look for a bunch of wit and insight from these my humble pages. Don’t you hate when work gets in the way of living? Such is the modern mans fate in life.

Things that I found interesting in today’s news:
Someone wrote a grant to do studies on how dogs laugh and just released their findings. Fucking hell, I need to take some pointers from that person, I can't get people to give me money to help children and they are bankrolling this study?

Tommy almost wiggled off the hook, but no luck and that was with his hand picked Judge, damn what would have happened if it really was an act of justice.

The Evangelical Right has their shit together. I had no less than 13 e-mails about how the liberals, ACLU and Democrats are attacking Christmas. Bah fucking Humbug. People really believe this crap, that’s what gets me. Man, if we Americans could dig our heads out of our asses long enough to breathe we might, just might, be able to make this country a great place, not a serfdom for corporations and those who award power like the crumbs from their table. A whole new light on trickle down economy eh what?

Yet another day with out reporting on bombing and/or missile attacks in Afghanistan. The war the media forgot. Yes, children people are still being killed over there.

Ms. Rice is letting all of us know in a back handed way, you better play ball. If not you and your children could be waterboarded in a Romanian prison.

British newspapers go for the throat. I like that.

The dollar is up. Its high time to take that trip to France, but folks keep an eye on our trade imbalance.

China, scares me. Hell the are buying up US debit, like a loan shark looking for an angle on a mark. Guess who is running the Panama Canal?

India and Pakistan scare me to. Who the hell will answer my computer questions when Delhi gets nuked? Let alone up-date my bank account.

North Korea, now there is a 500 pound gorilla hiding in the closet. The place is fucking nuts and really scares the fuck out of me. My dad, used to tell me what tough little bastards they are, and friends I don’t want my kids to find out if he was right. Funny, they are run by a nut job, who we know has nukes and who threatens to go to war about every week, how come the 82nd Airborne isn’t dropping in there? Oh, right no oil, we are after all the United States of Gulf, Shell and Wal-Mart.

In other news:
Its early, I need a shower and coffee. Then off to work early on this brisk Indiana morning (7 above). All my best to you my fellow wage slaves.

Today’s Bill:
"Now is the winter of our discontent."
--From King Richard III (I, i, 1)

Quote of the Day:
You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act.
Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000

I remain, the busy beaver building the dam for your fears:

JQP esq.