Monday, October 31, 2005
About Me
- Name: John Q. Public esq.
- Location: North by Northeast, Indiana, United States
About me, I am a normal kind of guy, the kind of guy at the office that you would go to lunch with, or ask to drop you off at the shop so you could pick up your car. I look normal, I act normal, I live in a very normal neighborhood, in a very normal city and need I say it, in a very normal state. I am given to humming theme music from old TV series. I enjoy making animals from play-dough, I part my hair down the middle, have numerous affairs with wonderful women (nasty girls need loving to). As for looks, I am singularly handsome, and a sharp dresser, I work out on my bow-flex 30 times a day, for up to one minute. I have several advanced degrees, all from medical schools in the Bahamas, and I consider underarm hair a turn on.
Previous Posts
- A Drunk Wife and Tomato Pies:
- I love these:
- Ok, in an effort to be a little less intense:
- Conflicted Thoughts in Process:
- A Drink Re-Post:
- On Coffee and Bitterness:
- On selling Bibles and Time-Shares in the Mid-West:
- Smoke wafting over broken Dreams:
- “JQP’s First Annual Tattoo Contest”
- Flavia Puff, Buck-Eye Puppet or Misunderstood Vis...
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