Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Peeing in the Pool and other party faults:

Thought for the Day:
His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy. Woody Allen US movie actor, comedian, & director (1935 - )

The Holiday that Was:
This was a bit unusual for a Labor Day weekend here at the House of Public. For starters my loving bride had four days off in a row, which was something that has not happened for over a year. Thus the adventure begins.

I had planed on taking Friday off, but was called in early to attend to a few crises, which I solved by performing a few magic tricks I had picked up from a Siegfried and Roy show last time I was in Vegas. Thus after dazzling them with my innate genius I was once again on track to begin the enjoyment of some well earned rest and recreation.

I had agreed to help a former co-worker turned neighbor with the use of my truck in the morning. Upon my return we dashed off to one of those big box stores that kill small business, to purchase needed building supplies for a home improvement project she is involved in. I should add that this same woman stopped by my home the night before and dropped off 20 pounds of stakes because she just decided to quit eating red meat. It’s nice to have friends.

On the subject of friends, J. Thom and Jazz Man, was going to come up from the great city of Memphis with his wife Sweet-Pea and child Sweet-Potato. However, after the fat-cat-oil-barons engaged in profiteering, they begged off.

With gas here in the great state of Indiana well over 3.30 a gallon, I could not blame them. Their absence was missed, as both my intelligent and thoughtful wife and I enjoy their company and the time well spent when we are all together.

After getting said building materials, I then picked up my loving wife and went to lunch at a little catholic tavern on the city’s near west side. We were joined by some members of the No-Love-Thursday Drinking club, Pastor Bob and the “Dudgeons and Dragons Player of the Week”. After fortifying our bodies, my kind and caring wife and I went to our local parish and helped coordinate a relief effort for the victims of the hurricane. After that, we went to our humble home, showered and proceeded to have meaningful conversation well into the night.

On Saturday, I awoke at 3:00am and found myself unable to go back to sleep. So, like many Americans, I found myself glued to the TV watching 24 hour news shows about the disaster. The effects are gut wrenching to say the least and the mismanagement….well more on that later.

When the Sweet and Loving Mrs. JQP awoke, she said “Sweet and Loving Husband, please step away from the TV, you need some down time and relaxation.” You have to love that woman, when she is right, she is right. So, off we went on Plan B.

We went to the Lakes. My little brother is a rich man and a good man as well. He bought a cottage at one of the lakes for all of the family to enjoy and enjoy they have. This was our first trip to their lake. The cottage is nicer than our house (which, as of late isn’t hard to do).

Rooms for rent

So, we spent the day with my siblings and their mass of children, think 23 kids all under the age of 12. While the time spent was a distraction, I would not use the work relaxing.

With that many of us in two boats and several jet-skis we looked like Boat-People fleeing Vietnam. My loving bride did however mange to cover most of her body in bruises by repeatedly wiping out on the jet-ski. I however being a master of barefoot-one-legged-water-skiing found my enjoyment there.

Much to their sadness, my bride and I did not spend the night, due to her need to care for the hounds. I however suffered under no such reservations. Upon our return we ordered pizza and bathed, tuning in and sleeping the sleep of the kings.

Which takes me to Sunday. I woke early, as you the reader know is my custom. I went to the Early-Bird Mass and retuned home. Yes, I let my sweet bride sleep in on Sunday.. After as many hours as she as been working I felt she more than deserved it. When her bright face graced my presence we began our day together. We drove to southern Indiana to have a late lunch with still more members of my family; in this case it was my birthmother, who was surprised to say the least.

After a visit and a bit of shopping we went on a round about trip back up north. I spent time showing my flower some of the sights the tourists normally miss when visiting the great state of Indiana, for example the oldest still running farmers CO-OP and feed store.

When we arrived back home I called the Sky-Captain and invited myself and my sexy and petite wife over to he and his wife’s new home. They are in the process of remodeling and I wanted to check out their floors. I must say, they have earned a golf-clap and an A Plus. After that we all went to the Rugby Bar and where we joined M. Chamberlain, Newspaper Man (all-ready-in-progress) and a few other hangers-on.

the lads

Dear reader, much of the evening remains a mystery to me as a result of being over served and drug interactions caused by over the counter cold medicine. I do know that Tiny came and joined our merry band and we actively celebrated the anniversary of his birth and at some point elected a new female leader for the eeliest drinking club known as No-Love-Thursday, in which we also gave her a name “Flavia-Puff”.

On a side note, I had a bit of history with this woman and no not a sexual history, but that is a story best talked about after the statue of limitations has passed, lets just say that mistakes were made and alcohol, right-wing republicans, fisticuffs and alternative music were rampant factors. I rounded out the evening by providing first aid to a woman who fell in a parking lot (my loving wife reminded me for this early Monday morning, when I inquired as to why I had “all this blood all over me?”).

On Monday, I worked around the manor house and cooked a rack of ribs using my special JQP BBQ Rub. For lunch we dashed over to a AFL-CIO party and then back home, to tend my ribs. My flower and I spend the day together making love in its many forms. Early to bed we went, nudge, nudge, know what I mean? As I was told the oven was pre-heated.

sperm build-up

Which of course bring me to the day ahead, I have an RFP to get done today, so I am going to be up to my ass in doing cost analyses plus the normal holiday weekend court case clean-up kind of stuff.

Your Bill for the Day:
I pray you bear me henceforth from the noise and rumour of the field, where I may think the remnant of my thoughts in peace, and part of this body and my soul with contemplation and devout desires.
William Shakespeare Greatest English dramatist & poet (1564 - 1616)

Quote of the Day:
D'you call life a bad job? Never! We've had our ups and downs, we've had our struggles, we've always been poor, but it's been worth it, ay, worth it a hundred times I say when I look round at my children.
W. Somerset Maugham, 'Of Human Bondage', 1915

I remain, much like the cigar store Indian of your childhood:

JQP esq.