Monday, March 28, 2005

Your Recipe for the Week:

Rib-Pie???? Yes, Rib-Pie….

Cumberland Spare Rib Pie recipe
Cumberland spare rib pie is a deep dish pie made especially from spare ribs of pork and it is a crowd favorite. I just so happen to have 20 pounds of ribs on hand, so this week it’s Rib-Pie.

(6 oz) shortcrust pastry
(2 lb) spare ribs of pork
1 pint stock or 1 chicken stock cube and water
egg and milk to glaze
3 tbls (25 g) 1 oz flour
1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon chopped sage
salt and pepper
4 tbl spoons of Tabasco
½ cup onion, green pepper, red pepper, yellow pepper

1. Cut the pork into pieces of about 4 cm (1 1/2 in) each and toss them in seasoned flour.
(While I don’t believe in boiling ribs, for this recipe I do for about 8 mins)

2. Put the meat into a deep pie dish and sprinkle with herbs.

3. Half fill the dish with chicken stock.

4. Press a strip of pastry around the rim of the pie dish and attach the lid, sealing well.

5. Decorate, glaze and bake at 425°F, for 10 - 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to, 350°F, and cook for a further 45 minutes.