Thursday, March 03, 2005

...another day spent pissing up a rope:

Thought for the Day:
Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof.
Ashley Montague

My Flower out and Proud:
You know you have to love those 4AM calls that start off with…”I am here with two midgets who play Jimmy Buffet cover songs on ukuleles and a black country rapper” and thus my flower called. You know, I can’t make this shit up, leave it to her to have found the Island of Misfit Toys in Nashville at a country music conference.

However I did get to talk to Shania Twain yesterday afternoon. My cell rang and Ms. Twain said “is this John Q. Public” I said yes, she then said “this is Shania Twain” I said, ok, what can I do for you? She was taken aback by this, because I was in my work mode and really, you know…I don’t give a fuck who you are, what the hell do you want. She then said my flower had asked her to call. I said can you put her on; she said yes….Mrs. JQP then yelled at me for being rude to Shania, I said what the fuck did she want? I mean I don’t call people just because I am famous (I am by the way). Anyway, I guess I didn’t go Oh, My God, Shania Twain is on the fucking phone and then piss myself. So, my bad coach.

Anyway…last night I found that I somehow ran through 300 dollars and two states. More on than after I read the papers. On other news, I am in court all day again today, so play nice children.

Todays Bill:
"Give me my robe, put on my crown; I have Immortal longings in me."
--From Anthony and Cleopatra (V, ii, 282-283)

Quote of the Day:
Little by little, one travels far.
J. R. R. Tolkien British scholar & fantasy novelist (1892 - 1973)

I remain, hung and hung-over: