Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My Black Speedos and Gold Chains:

On Health:
Since my latest battle with the demons of past illnesses that tend to visit upon me once every three or four years has abated, I find time to celebrate and give thanks. There is something satisfying in meeting your deductible, in say the first three weeks of the new year, its all gravy for here on out, dog.

The plus side was that I read a total of 28 books and caught up on a lot of paper work. I furthered the cause of medical knowledge by having something that no one had seen in the mid-west before.

Best of all, before this most recent period of confinement I had started to develop a little bit of a paunch around my mid-section.

So, dear readers in memory of my little paunch:


Yes, dear friends, with the added benefit of being deathly ill and repeatedly hospitalized I have been able to take off a startling 28 pounds since the first of December, just in time for swimsuit season, yes girls look out! wax my back and put me in a pair of Speedos here comes "John Q. Public esq." only one love handle to worry about now (how’s that for a Mac-Daddy line?).

I remain,

JQP (Former Mr. Indiana 2001)

(Ed.note: I found this little Ponch in Murphys bedside table last time I house sat for her, I didnt ask...nor should you)