Friday, February 11, 2005

The Story so Far:

Thought for the Day:
"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give,
however, makes a life." -- Arthur Ashe

The Week to Date:
Sorry, not a lot of up-lifting, fun posts today, life has somehow pushed its way into my existence. So, what you get today is a disjointed up-date on my progress so far. Otherwise, have a good weekend!

On Ash Wednesday:
Well, its been a high stress week around the campfire, dear children. Wednesday, I ended up going to two trainings, both very interesting. The first on the latest research into brain development in children and adolescence, and the second on the effects of media on children thought social normalization and its impact on society. Yes, dear ones…what a fun filled day. I was swimming with the big fish and it was a great chance to politic.

The cool part being that for once I didn’t have just about as much knowledge on the subject has the presenter, so I got to learn something. However, it was a l-o-n-g day, sitting on the instruments of torture that you can only find at convention centers. You know the kind, the ones they bring out for you to sit on when they know that training starts at 7am and ends at 4 with two five minute breaks and a half hour for lunch.

Then it was a mad dash across town to the only multi-lingual Mass. Yes, the Mass was said in Vietnamese, Spanish, French and English. Hey, I like my Catholicism with some flavor. Got some Ash and then of to the Parish Fish Fry, at which point the members of the Parish Council appointed the Beautiful and very Catholic for a day Mrs. John Q. Public in charge of the St. Paddy’s Day Dinner and Dance. So, it looks like we might be sticking around here for the Holiday.

Now the question on everyone’s lips was what did you JQP give up for Lent? The answer dear friend is as follows:

1) Rumplemintz
2) Self-abuse
3) Internet porn
4) Writing bad poetry
5) Having sex with more than three women at the same time.

Those are my top five, ask me around Easter and I will let you know which one it was. I kind of run the “Survivor” method of giving things up for Lent. The one the remains was what I gave up.

On Yesterday:
It always a good morning when your greated at the door of your office by a member of the law enforcement community. So, at 6:30am I was off to the races. Then at 8am there was a major problem with a grant, followed by something that took the wind out of my sails. I got a call from my little sister, it seems during the night my grandfather took a big turn for the worst. So, it was a hold my calls, mad dash south morning.

People often ask JQP why did you and your pretty wife move from the Sunny and Warm Heaven of the Beach? Well there are two answers to that question, one is of course cash and the second would be my grandparents. My grandmother passed away several years ago and since then my grandfather has been in a hurry to join her, hell if I was married to Mrs. JQP for 68 years I might miss her snoring too. So, it was an emotional day.

Now my family handles dieing in ways many would not be familiar with, unless you were of course Irish Catholic and Southern (yes, it is an odd combination). We don’t put people in nursing homes. Instead, everyone in the family takes turns, caring for the relative that is going to die, we try to keep them in their home but sometimes like in the case of my grandfather they have to move, in has case in with my mother and sister. My family is great if you’re dieing, not a better, more loving and giving group to be around. They make me proud. It’s nice to see them as the people they have become not who they once were, sadly it’s often only when something bad happens that it allows you the opportunity to see the strength and love of family.
So, all 48 of us were there plus about 76 children, in my family death is not something we shield children from nor is it a quite paasing...loud, we are very loud.

I will tell you more about my grandfather at some later point, needless to say he is probably the largest positive influence I have had in my life. A man from a time when "men were men", but who showed me the value in looking out for the little guy and those who couldn’t stand up for themselves, I think living through the depression and a war showed him a lot, things he was willing to teach the young JQP, it a nut shell, a hell of a good man, nuf’ said.

On Today:
Well, I am back to work, I am on the road today doing a profession training over by South-Cent. Illinois. So it’s a lot of road time today, but there was no way I wanted to cancel a training for 250 people. I am however running on about 45 mins. of sleep. So, its going to be a very long, long day. This weekend I imagine will be spent south. The only perk is that when I am down there I get to cook for everyone and better yet, I get to eat…and these folks know down-home cooking.

Oh, and lest I forget, big time props go out to Mrs. JQP (who my family adores) who canceled a meeting Toby Keith’s people to come on down to the Southland with me, Hell, of a good woman, I got there.

Your Bill for the Day:

As an unperfect actor on the stage
Who with his fear is put besides his part,
Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,
Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart.
So I, for fear of trust, forget to say
The perfect ceremony of love's rite,
And in mine own love's strength seem to decay,
O'ercharged with burden of mine own love's might.
O, let my books be then the eloquence
And dumb presagers of my speaking breast,
Who plead for love and look for recompense
More than that tongue that more hath more express'd.
O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit.

Quote of the Day:
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. Jane Howard, "Families"

I remain, abet very tired;