Readers speak out
Anonymous said...
is Pastor Bob the cross-dresser from the show?
I said...Pastor Bob aka Mona? I like it, might have to run with that one
Melinda said...
Ah, the "Wet Pussy" always gets me.
Going to the John said...well Madam, I must agree with you... I happen to be fond of that drink as well
Anonymous said...Pastor Bob is not a cross dresser! Pastor Bob just is.
John, you seem to be missing the point that God is responsible for your inability to hold your drink. Why? We are all God's creatures, created by him, flaws and all. Thus God became responsible when, in his infinite wisdom, he decided to remove the gene from your race that causes the rest of us to still retain some semblance of common sense even after copious amounts of various fruity fermented beverages have passed our lips.
you ignorant sod, the motto of the Seebees is "we build - we fight." You can find proof here - .
Now on to coupon (pronounced: k p n , ky -), you are correct. I must admit that this admission disturbs me on many levels, not the least of which is how you came upon an innate ability to pronounce French like a Frenchman. The history of this word is quite unique and a Roman might have had difficulty predicting what would become of the Latin word colaphus, which meant “a blow with the fist.” In Old French, a language that developed from Latin, the Late Latin word colpus, derived from colaphus, became colp, or modern French coup, with the same sense. Coup has had a rich development in French, gaining numerous senses, participating in numerous phrases, such as coup d'état,) and giving rise to many derivatives, including couper, “to divide with a blow or stroke, to cut.”
Couper yielded the word coupon, “a portion that is cut off,” which came to refer to a certificate that was detachable from a principal certificate. The detachable certificate could be exchanged for interest or dividend payments by the holder of the principal certificate. Coupon is first recorded in English in 1822 with this sense and then came to apply to forms or tickets, detachable or otherwise, that could be exchanged for various benefits or used to request information. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition)
Going to the John said...Dear reader,There was a certain je ne sais quoi to your comments, so I thought I would take a moment from my work here at the orphanage to reply.
Unlike big ticket think tanks and news organizations, I do not have a large group of highly skilled “fact-checkers” as a result, there are times when distracted (such as while being involved in life saving acts, under enemy fire, while trying to seduce women, or humanitarian missions), I might offer some incorrect information, and/or un-sound judgments, while this is rare, it is also unavoidable, to this end I do issue apologies for misquoting the motto of those fine men and women of the US Navy’s Construction Battalions. While “Can Do” or Construimus, Batuimus, is the motto of the Sea Bees I believe my error was in saying it was “Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow” ( a close unit motto would be that of the Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Unit MIUWU 105 whose motto is “Anywhere, Anytime, Any Task, Nothing but Excellence”, however it is my understanding the statement Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow was used by John Wayne in the 1943 movie “Fighting Seabees”) but my comments were more so a statement about the use of the word Anyhow in most sentence structures favored by residents of the north-eastern border counties of Indiana, and my hypothesizing about the influence of large populations of Anti-Baptists in said counties, and the use of spoken English. There I have done my noblesse oblige. Warmest Regards JQP
Emily said...
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Going to the John said...
well gee Emily, I will get right on that, perhaps you could give me, your home address and phone number so I could get ahold of you if I come across any great savings on flat screen TVs, lap-tops, I-PODs, blenders, duct tape, meat clevers, and plastic sheeting.
AnonymousJohn, eat lotsa bananas, drink milk and lotsa water...that always helps me when I'm hungover!
Going to the John said...Thanks for the info! does it work better than curds and whey? or pickled cabage?
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