Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dino, John, Me, et tu...

John and Dean

I know its two Dino’s in the same month, but at I have spent the last few days hooked up to more machines than a Borg. Yes, old JQP has somehow inherited faulty equipment. But no worries dear reader, it is after all Italian food weekend here at PTOAPM.

Tonight getting out of my truck, in my driveway, I got attacked by the neighbors big ass german shephard...which resulted in ME grabbing two steak knives from the kitchen and chasing the neighbors dog throughout the neighborhood- don't fuck with JQP and JQP won't fuck with you, a motto to live by...

The cops are sitting in my driveway, because my wife the animal lover wouldn't let me kill it. And YES, I am that pissed off about it. If I was 80 and a war veteran it would have been a local tragedy..."War veteran killed by dog" I can't understand WHY people in Arizona aren't like people in South Carolina... That dog just needs shootin' and it's owner needs their ass whooped. so kids entertain yourselves and have a pleasant holiday weekend!

As always, much like the unidentifiable snot in the nose of a 2nd grader (w/nods to Tiny),

I remain,

JQP esq.