Aucun Amour Jeudi

(A candid photo taken the last time they let me teach Anthro. 101, my field trips rock)
Thought for the Day:
The overman...Who has organized the chaos of his passions, given style to his character, and become creative. Aware of life's terrors, he affirms life without resentment.
Friedrich Nietzsche
It’s No-Love-Thursday:
As you the reader know, today is the day for the meeting of that most venerated of drinking clubs (National Chapters Now Opening), The No-Love-Thursday Mutual Aid Society and Meeting for Intriguing Intellectuals whose lives are a series of Un-Realized Dreams, Dashed Hopes and Bitter Realities.
Yes, dear reader I hope to count myself in their number. With any luck, I shall take my place down at the end of the bar has soon as my shift is done here at the Orphanage. But, like many things in my life it is subject to change. I wonder how many of my fellow members plan to be in attendance. I am sure details will follow.
News of the Day:
News Point A: My liver and I made up, so we decided to go out for a drink or two together tonight, wish me luck.
News Point B: The Israeli prime minister suffered massive bleeding in his brain and is unlikely to return to office. The illness is likely to influence upcoming Israeli and Palestinian elections. Commentary: Ok, the Right Wing guy starts doing some good things ie: pulling out the settlers etc, and his brain explodes.
News Point C: Joe Paterno smiles following a 26-23 win over Florida State in triple overtime at the Orange Bowl at Dolphins Stadium in Miami Tuesday. Commentary: Hats off to Joe PA! Hell, I shit my Depends on that one.
News Point D: President Bush and Vice President Cheney teamed up Wednesday to offer an upbeat assessment of the war on terror and press for renewal of the anti-terror Patriot Act. "There's a lot of work to be done in this war on terror," Mr. Bush said at the Pentagon after a meeting with top military brass. "But the American people can rest assured this administration understands the task, and understands the challenges and understands our obligation to protect you, to protect the American people." Mr. Bush then went on to say “For instance, we now understand those terrorists have infiltrated Green Peace, the Amnesty International, Organic Groceries, the ACLU, the NAACP, AFL-CIO and the Democratic Party, we would not have know this if it wasn’t for the Patriot Act”. No Commentary Needed.
News Point E: Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq in response to President Bush’s statements announced the deployment of the Super Secret Elite Ronald McDonald Strike Group 5, to forward areas in Iraq.

Commentary: Here is an Excusive photo shot by one of this blog’s reporters hours ago in the streets of Fallujah, something you will only see here on PTOPM.
News Point F: For nearly two days, the Sago Baptist Church sheltered family members praying for the safe return of 13 trapped miners. For a few hours, it was also a place of celebration after a mistaken report that all but one had miraculously survived. Commentary: Now my loving and petite wife worked in TV and Radio for years, so I know if it bleeds it leads, but damn, NPR got into the show, yes NPR, there they were asking some mother how she felt when she found out her son was dead. WTF. An act that showed no class, like how the fuck do you think she felt.
News Point G:
USC bet by Texas. From USC’s quarterback “I still think we are the better team”. Commentary: Got to love that true sportsmanship. I am an American, I cheer for the underdog. Good job Texas in handing their asses to them when it counted.
Your Bush Bashing for the Week:

Hairy Pits by Request:

(CPF told me this was his favorite and that I should get back to my roots)
Today’s Bill:
"Not that I lov'd Caesar less, but that I lov'd Rome more."
From Julius Caesar (III, ii, 22)
Quote of the Day:
God enters by a private door into every individual.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I remain, the bruise on the soul of the foot that is your life:
JQP esq.
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