Thursday, November 17, 2005

Its a Bitter Cold No-Love-Thursday:

Thought for the Day:
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Ode to Festus:
I would like to dedicate this post to a man who had a large influence in my childhood. This one’s for you Festus. A man, who got no love in his life, even from Ms. Kitty the town whore, but episode after action packed episode of Gunsmoke, somehow managed to maintain his dignity, while saving Marshall Matt Dillon’s ass. Plus, the old boy had a pretty cool mule.

Tonight right after my labors in the Salt-Mine, I plan to walk across to my favorite bar and attend the weekly meeting of the No-Love-Thursday Drinking Club and Mutual Aid Society. Yes, I should enter the decompression chamber around 4:00 pm, good Lord willing. I know not, at this early hour who plans to be in attendance, but I do know dear reader, I am ready. More than ready has my loving and petite bride said this morning “fuck, you are in rare form today”. Who wouldn’t be after watching the boy king and the puppet master on TV last night.

What Today Means’ to Me, By JQP esq.
It is once again the day of the week when we celebrate our shitty jobs, our crappy relationships, our unrealized dreams, politics, religion and the issues of the day. With perhaps some shots and a song or two thrown in for good measure (we are after all a very musical people).

JQP is boiling the water; it’s up to you to make the soup. Show someone you care, be a prick, an asshole, rude, inconsiderate SOB, say something scaring, today is the day for karmic payback for all the injustices that have been put upon you.

Tonight, right after work, we get to do it in the company of friends, Gestalt for the Drinking set, yes, Virginia, the big kids at the back of the bus are going to blow off steam. It is after all easier than climbing a tower and trying to aim a high powered rifle with a pair of panty hose pulled over your head.

Going with my Festus theme today, I bring you your weekly Bush bashing:
Bush Festus
(see even I give No-Love to Festus)

Today’s Bill:
"Et tu, Brute?"
--From Julius Caesar (III, i, 77)

Quote for the Day:
You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.
Aristophanes, Knights, 424 B.C.

I remain, the Driver of the Short Bus of your Self-Esteem:

JQP esq.