Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Winter Arrives:

Thought for the Day:
Barring that natural expression of villainy which we all have, the man looked honest enough. Mark Twain

midgets wrestling
At first the long term effects of repeated exposure to performance enhancing drugs among pre-school age children was not evident.

In Local News:
The old rhyme “we are all in our places, with bright smiling faces” does in fact not apply to me. I am taking the day off, yes a self granted perk, a day of rest and recuperation, of reading in front of a fire and eating steaks. This truth be known has more to do with health than laziness. I still have not beaten this damn bug and now I have a fever. So, my body is telling me to slow the fuck down and oddly, today I will listen.

After Work:
Last night I went to my favorite bar with Pastor Bob for fortification against the coming storms. We ended up arguing about early Jewish rituals and the current liturgy of the Coptic Church (I won). He had to leave early, it seems he had to enter a ginger bread house he made in a local holiday contest (he proudly told me he came in 3rd last year).

Has he was walking out, M. Chamberlain and BBG walked in, they were a bit long in the face do in large part to a motivational speech they had to listen to at work. That and he recently got another rejection letter from a publisher on his magnum opus “101 Everyday uses of Toenail Clippings; One Mans Story of Self Discovery”.

I was home by 6 and cooked some Jerked Shrimp with zucchini and tomatoes. I sat and watched the storm blow through, while reading and drinking some Earl Gray. My loving bride, returned from her labors at around 11:30, saying that oddly she enjoyed her evenings activities. She was a judge at an amateur pole dancing contest, proceeds going to Hurricane Relief, anything for a charity. Off to bed we went enjoying the sleep of angels.

Today’s Bill:
A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much or more we should ourselves complain.
William Shakespeare

Quote for the Day:
All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.

I remain, disillusioned with Publishers Clearing House:

JQP esq.