Monday, November 14, 2005

A brief recap of the people, places and events that make up my fast paced lifestyle.

Thought for the Day:
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air…
Ralph Waldo Emerson

class presd

Last No-Love Thursday: After being told by a vast majority of fellow members of this most esteemed of drinking clubs that they would not be in attendance, I had planed to go and have one or two with Sky Captain, since it is hard to find the boy with both feet on the ground.

It was on my walk over that I was accosted by Irizarry (proving once again that if you say has name three times he will appear and if not appear, bang his head against a wall much like a moth drawn to a flame, either is a satisfactory result I have found and a source of much amusement). Add to that M. Chamberlain and BBG, both of whom said they couldn’t make it and you have a core group of celebrants.

After some good natured discourse and fermented hops I left, having other duties to perform (like to spend my free time knitting socks for the soldiers and/or reading to the blind). I have said it before and I will say it again, dear reader if you build it they will come. I will trust both Irizarry and Sky Capt. to post on some of the stories that were told, I am still cracking up over one in particular.

Friday was a day if which I had to teach all morning. When I teach I pace; I can’t stand still. I find it helps because it keeps my students focused but the end result is my knee always hurts like hell after about two hours of this behavior. This class was four hours long, thus I went home, took a pill and tripped to the light fantastic, that is until my loving bride got home (hell, it was after all Veterans Day, damnit).

We then went shopping and started preparing the much needed supplies for the event of the weekend, our turn to host the ND/whoever is playing St. Francis Party. Dear reader, I found myself prepping ribs and icing beers until the wee’ hours of the morning.

Which takes me to Saturday. I once again had to teach in the morning. Another four hour class of eager cheerful minds henceforth, the problem. Who was going to cook the 25 pounds of ribs? I (like most men) am very funny about other people touching my grill, very funny indeed. I started them in a triage system carefully explaining it to my still sleeping wife and went off to do my duty.

When I returned, well, let’s just say, I had a fit. I quickly recovered and went about the tasks at hand. I had made three types of ribs (using JQP’s Secret Rib Rubs) Macedonian (I then use the same method they use to cook a lamb), JQP's Hoosier Rub and "The Jazz Mans" West Tennessee Damn Ol’ Boy Rub. Sadly, the only ribs I could easily identify were the Macedonian ribs, as a result some of the party’s attendees got a bit of a surprise (pleasant but still a surprise). The South Carolina Low Country BBQ sauce was a hit (its gold in color), which made me happy.


We had about 18 couples in attendance, friends, fellow NLT members and members of our local indigenous population (otherwise known as neighbors) plus the usual camp followers, hanger-on-ers and children,. We were well represented in the following fields: Media, Medicine, Law, Law Enforcement, Academia and the Mental Health field. The party got into swing at around 12:30 and was over by 9:00, that’s the cool thing about getting old, everyone leaves early.

pass out

Eat and drink we did. All 25 pounds of ribs, a pound of oysters (smoked) 2 pounds of shrimp, a cheese cake, and one pound of Schuler’s Bar Cheese. Now as for the drinking, well, it’s better measured by the four garbage cans of empty beer bottles that now reside next to the stables. OB/GY Kenobi won the award for the best theme beer, which was a "Ghetto Norte Damn Party".

Party Favors

I drank beer I had not even seen since the Army. Runner up was M. Chamberlain News Paper Man, with the most obscure (Old German). Next morning before Mass, I cleaned up while my wife slept in late enjoying the sedating effects of consumption of large amounts of cheap red wine (MD 20/20 and Thunderbird).

It took me back to a younger JQP who was briefly employed at the Rugby Bar, dragging large trash cans full of bottles to the dumpster on cold Sunday mornings. (Editors Note: Little Kings, does in fact taste to good to be beer)

good pusst gone bad

After my Sunday morning of activity, I went down south to help with the ongoing process of cleaning out my grandparents’ home. Once again very little progress was made. I got home around 5:30; showered grabbed a book and went to bed. My loving wife and I enjoy ending a weekend in bed early, reading and watching TV. All in all a normal weekend for the family Public.

Your Mail Order Brides for the Week:

Your Bill for the Day:
"Oh, I am fortune's fool!"
--From Romeo and Juliet (III, i, 141)

Quote for the Day:
People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
(Yes, I am rereading some of Waldo’s works, much to my benefit I trust)

I remain, the empty wallet of your self respect:

JQP esq.