Friday, April 08, 2005

Doc Savage is my Hero:

(Better late than never, since Blogger wouldnt let me all day)

Thought for Day:
The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken. Homer, The Odyssey, Greek epic poet (800 BC - 700 BC)

My tribute to the hard working staff at Blogger!
blooger staff photo
(Yes, folks these were the people who got beat up in high school and instead of going on a shooting rampage they decided to start a web based business, as they say “revenge is a dessert best served cold” and they are right.

On Last Night:
Well race fans; it was a NO-LOVE-THURSDAY, in its truest form. There was no love being had by anyone. The evening was replete with the normal cast of Pastor Bob, The Dragon Slayer (who insisted on wearing a hooded leather cape), Sr. Mary Red-head and her husband the Barry Bonds of Electricians, Petunia-flower, Joel the Bar man and the pretty Mrs. Joel. Need I say more, it was the all usual suspects. One thing that made this evening different was that it was the day before Pastor Bob’s birthday. (I know you like myself would like to now wish Pastor Bob a very happy birthday) Well, Pastor Bob is much like a hobbit, on his birthday he gives you gifts, in this case it was large amounts of shots and beer given freely to anyone who happened by the bar.
Pastor Bob
(While this is not a photo of Pastor Bob please let it serve as a reference point. In truth, Pastor Bob is blond and blue eyed, about 6’4 and weighs about 100 pounds, yes one of Hitler’s gene experiments gone wrong)

Dear reader it was an epic night. Sadly, I called the beautiful and constipated Mrs. John Q. Public to take me home around 9:00pm, thus ending my night of fun and frivolity with my colleagues from here at the orphanage.

Tattoo John Up-date:
My dear friend from my days at Eaton Tattoo John called me last night. As many readers know he is currently involved in a long term study on the sexual habits of third generation Asian-Americans in Hawaii.

John, has had a hard week, he was distraught over the worlds loss of the Pope, then later in the week Prince Rainier of Monaco who I might add was a close personal friend of his. John decided to let the world know he was in morning. He went to several seedy bars along the waterfront and got very drunk and decided that much like the Mohawk Indian tribe he needed a hair cut. TJ post spider bite upon returning to his abode, he passed out in the front yard. When he awoke he found this, a lump the size of a walnut on his lip. Yes dear reader Tattoo John got bit by a spider when he sat down beside her, or more truthfully as he lay passed out in his front yard, a very hard week indeed for my dear friend.

Drinks for the Week:
Brain Tumor Drink Recipe

Drink Ingredients:
Bailey's Irish Cream
1 oz. Peach Schnapps
Cherry Brandy

pour the peach schnapps into the shot glass, almost to the top. Slowly, and gently layer the baileys in on the side of the glass, to almost full. Add a touch of grenadine, down the middle and a touch of cherry brandy down the middle.

Red Death Drink Recipe

Drink Ingredients:
0.5 oz. Vodka
0.5 oz. 151 Proof Rum
0.5 oz. Firewater
0.5 oz. Yukon Jack

Mix equal parts of each in a large shot glass.

Found Art:
phone book
(Now that was cute)

Today’s Bill:
This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,--
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
William Shakespeare, "King Richard II", Act 2 scene 1
Greatest English dramatist & poet (1564 - 1616)
(In honor of Prince Charles and the woman with the head like a horse he is marrying this weekend)

Quote of the Day:
Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship.
Zeuxis, Greek painter (~400 BC)

Ed Note:
Dear avid reader, since I will be on the road for the next week, please feel free to look thought my archives for the words, wit and wisdom of JQP himself. (Soon to be a major motion picture staring John Cusack as a young JQP and Mickey Roark as JQP later in life, Tom Hanks as Pastor Bob, Sharon Stone as Mrs. JQP, Bo Derrick as Sr. Mary Redhead and Dave Letterman as the Dragon Slayer, and Charles Manson with George W. Bush as themselves, hey it’s all we could afford).

I remain, wetting my pants in sheer anticipation: