Tuesday, November 02, 2004

On being first in line to vote.

Why, did you stand out in the rain this morning to vote, you ask?
Well, here is why....

Did you know that Taliban means seminary? Now think about this, Afghanistan (where the bad guys who started all this shit lived and worked, were supported by the Taliban Government of Afghanistan, and we kicked their little fundamentalist Islamic asses, something the whole Russian Army couldnt pull off, but the real bad guys got away, kind of like “Where’s Waldo” but with suicide bombers) Now, just some guess work on my part, but after talking to some fundamentalist and evangelicals here, it really isn’t a hop skip and a jump to their fellow true believers in ‘stan, just change the words around and substitute polyester for robes, and man there you have it. Do we need an American Taliban running things?

When I was a kid in school someone mentioned something about separation of church and state, and this other neat thing we Americans had called the Bill of Rights, well in four short years we don’t have a lot of either, thanks to faith-based funding, and the Patriot Act, not to mention jobs lost, no insurance, two wars, and well over a thousand of our nations finest traded for folded flags and stump speeches about their noble sacrifice.

I have a big fucking problem with that. ‘stan… hell yes, made sense, Iraq? Well, it might of if there would have been a god-damn plan and a hell of a good reason other than old dick-head was an evil doer (In case you don’t follow the news, the fucking world is full of them, just ask some of the one armed children in Central Africa or the starving people of North Korea), am I the only one that this scares the shit out of?

When I was in the military we fought for the person on the left and the right of us, we did our duty, we didnt ask what faith they were, or their party affilation, we didnt care if they were black, brown, yellow or white, we were all in the the same shit together and all we really had was eachother.

Well folks, I know there isn’t much of a choice out there today, 6 of one and half a dozen of the other, but today, please have “their” back, they are to busy looking out for their bothers and sisters in uniform, help the mother working at McDonalds, on her own with half her pay going to childcare, look of for the little guy who busted his ass for 30 years, only to have his life savings looted by some people who wanted to get richer and thought nothing of breaking promises, look of for the babies, I don’t want my God-Daughter garrisoning some foreign land has a occupier, so the oil companies get richer.

Look out for the real America, your America, our America.

Just my thoughts, like it, hate it, its your own business, but god-damn it we worked to hard for the right to vote, go let your voice be added to Democracy, on today, when every man and woman is an equal.