Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I live in a Hallmark Movie:

tribal baby
(That’s my boy)

Since my last posting I have been in Utah, New Mexico and all over Arizona, suffice to say none of the tourist spots. Local indigenous people find me a fine drinking companion. What can I say, starting a program from the ground-up can be both time consuming and taxing of the seemingly limitless pools of exceptional creativity I possess.

I spent a pleasant day yesterday with members of the US Attorneys Office and the FBI, pleasant in such that I was neither a suspect nor under charges. I then went to a bar down from the Federal building with a few of them and got shit faced drunk.

My Flower said the group of drinking companions that I would normally associate with in Indiana, South Carolina and various Indian Nations, to be much more desirable than this fine group. FYI the Feds dig cocktails.

I plead the 5th:

JQP esq